Statement of Advacacy
I am a second year student currently developing my skills and looking for exciting opportunities that challenge and satisfy my design need. I wish to gain first-hand experience from real world practise as well as offering my design visions. To date I have worked on different design innovations ranging from design focused work to manufacturing and material focused with the use of different platforms including Photoshop and Solidworks. I particularly enjoy the designing aspect and the problem solving required in reaching the end result. I find this very rewarding.

I have an interest in consumer goods, furniture until recently packaging, after working with Milk Design on a two day project to redesign children’s lunch boxes. I am interested in your company because you specialist area is that has always been an interest to me and has been something that I have wanted to get into. So even having the opportunity to apply to a respected a reputable company is a great opportunity in itself and having the chance to be a part of this company would be amazing as I believe with my knowledge and skills I can bring something special to your organisation.
I am a focused driven individual looking to share my design knowledge in return for expanding my own knowledge and experience as I feel there’s always something new to be learnt in design, especially from a big league company such as yourself.

The reason I am contacting you because I am seeking a work placement I hope you have to offer. I have attached a CV so you have a little more information on me and if you want to know more feel free to contact me at which is also in my CV. Thank you for taking your time to read my letter and I hope I will hear from you in the near future. I will contact you in a week or so to find out the status of my application.

If you do not have any available vacancies at the moment, please feel free to hold on to my CV for future opportunities.